Craig, thanks for that PS tip (you think, you have used PS for such a long 
time, but it still has some new tricks available).

And here is the more readable line:

26390 congestion_wait                          D ?        00:00:26 postgres: 
postgres musicload_cache [local] COPY

So the kernel function it is always idling on seems to be congestion_wait ... I 
am already looking around at google and in the kernel source (for
* congestion_wait - wait for a backing_dev to become uncongested
* @sync: SYNC or ASYNC IO
* @timeout: timeout in jiffies
* Waits for up to @timeout jiffies for a backing_dev (any backing_dev) to exit
* write congestion.  If no backing_devs are congested then just wait for the
* next write to be completed.
So, obviously, for some reason we are waiting too much for a backind_device ... 
which ever it is at the moment. Because, as I just wrote to Scott Marlowe, the 
disk system is almost idling (have seen disk utilization on the drive to which 
I write below 1%). 

So, the question seems to be, why and where this "idling happens".

Just as a test, I have tried a very simple piping example (which should go 
trough STDOUT too ... or am I wrong). 
- "dd if=/dev/zero of=file_10GB bs=1024 count=10M" created a  10 GB test file 
on source drive (sdb)
- "time cat file_10GB > /var/tmp/test2.dump" ... pipe the file to target drive 
(/var/tmp is on sda)
This take only a bit over 2 minutes to complete ... and although, one sees 
congestion_wait in PS from time to time, it is not dominant, and there are 
other EXT4 or IO related function shown. ... But maybe this mini-experiment is 
lacking some important steps, that are in the path of a COPY-to-STDOUT from 

Andras Fabian

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Craig Ringer [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010 05:03
An: Andras Fabian
Cc: Tom Lane;
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] PG_DUMP very slow because of STDOUT ??

On 12/07/10 21:03, Andras Fabian wrote:
> This STDOU issue gets even weirder. Now I have set up our two new servers 
> (identical hw/sw) as I would have needed to do so anyways. After having PG 
> running, I also set up the same test scenario as I have it on our problematic 
> servers, and started the COPY-to-STDOUT experiment. And you know what? Both 
> new servers are performing well. No hanging, and the 3 GByte test dump was 
> written in around 3 minutes (as expected). To make things even more 
> complicated ... I went back to our production servers. Now, the first one - 
> which I froze up with oprofile this morning and needed a REBOOT - is 
> performing well too! It needed 3 minutes for the test case ... WTF? BUT, the 
> second production server, which did not have a reboot, is still behaving 
> badly.
> Now I tried to dig deeper (without killing a production server again) ... and 
> came to comparing the outputs of PS (with '-fax' parameter then, '-axl'). Now 
> I have found something interesting:
> - all fast servers show the COPY process as being in the state Rs ("runnable 
> (on run queue)")
> - on the still slow server, this process is in 9 out of 10 samples in Ds 
> ("uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)") 
> Now, this "Ds" state seems to be something unhealthy - especially if it is 
> there almost all the time - as far as my first reeds on google show (and 
> although it points to IO, there is seemingly only very little IO, and IO-wait 
> is minimal too). I have also done "-axl" with PS, which brings the following 
> line for our process:
> 1  5551  2819  4201  20   0 5941068 201192 conges Ds ?          2:05 
> postgres: postgres musicload_cache [local] COPY"

Your wchan column isn't wide enough to show the full function name, but
I'd say it's related to some form of throttling or congestion control.

Get a wider view of that column to find out what the full function name
is. Grepping the kernel source for it can then tell you a lot about
where in the kernel it is and what might be going on.


    ps ax -O wchan:40

to get a decently wide view of that col.

Craig Ringer

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