Arnaud Lesauvage <> writes:
> After some research, we found in psqlODBC's log that before the restore 
> psqlODBC was getting the sequence's nextval with a schema qualified 
> call, and after the restore the call was not schema qualified.
> I checked in pg_attrdef before and after the dump/restore, and indeed 
> the "default nextval()" on this problematic table loses it's schema 
> qualification in the process.

This is a pretty inadequate description of your problem.  Let's see the
exact SQL you are dealing with.

Note that if the argument of nextval is a plain regclass constant, like
then the constant is in fact a reference to a specific sequence.
Whether it's displayed with a schema name depends on whether that
sequence is visible in your search_path.

                        regards, tom lane

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