Zoid <z...@the-lounge.us> writes:
> Actually, I'm using postgresql beta2 and my replication process is 
> connectiong to my primary (or backend) at 5432 via the connect_info line 
> of the recovery.conf file.
> I had already saw that the error is identical if I merely connect 
> directly to the primary and issue the command "IDENTITY_SYSTEM", so it 
> seems to me the primary (or backend) is not treating the IDENTITY_SYSTEM 
> command as "Streaming Replication Protocol", but I'm not sure why it 
> would anyway as I've connected to thesame port psql does.

The port's not the issue --- replication connections are supposed to use
the same port.  Try something like

psql -h primary-server replication=1

                        regards, tom lane

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