2010/6/25 John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com>

> On 06/25/10 9:28 PM, Felipe de Jesús Molina Bravo wrote:
>> original perl is 5.6. so i installed perl 5.8.9 for 64 bit ....and the
>> error is the same... maybe my error is with the compiler, it is "gcc"
>>  (3.4.6).  is it possible?
> where did this 64bit 5.8.9 come from?

from cpan.... souces....it was compiled...

> I try to downloaded SunStudio c/c++ compiler ... but it is not free...  and
>> the administration don't have it
> it was free last time I looked.   you just have to have a sunsolve account
> to access it.
I tried from

it is an upgrade ..... and it is only for solaris 10. I will find old

thank's ....

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