On Fri, 2010-06-25 at 23:24 +0530, RP Khare wrote:
> I never used PostgreSQL in production environment. Now I got an
> opportunity to migrate a MySQL production database to PostgreSQL.
> Before migrating, I have few queries on data recovery:
>      1. Is there any feature of scheduled backups?

You can schedule backups anyway you like :). If you are on Windows I
believe you can use the job agent stuff in contrib. That might make your
life easier. Otherwise you can write a batch file.

>      1. In case there is no backup and I want to shift my data files
>         to a new PC, how to do that?

You have to move the whole cluster. (Your data directory)

>      1. Are the Redo Logs enabled by default?

Yes, its called WAL.


Joshua D. Drake

PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
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