
Thank you. SELECT statement returns lot of columns.

I tried

select coalesce( (select 1,2 ), null);

but got 

ERROR:  subquery must return only one column

How to use your suggestion if select returns lot of columns ?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Martin 
  To: Andrus 
  Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 10:14 PM
  Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How to force select to return exactly one row

  Try wrapping the entire statement in a COALESCE((statement), <DEFAULT_VALUE>);


  2010/6/21 Andrus <>

    Autogenerated select statement contains 0 .. n left joins:

    SELECT somecolumns
    FROM ko
    LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey= ko.t1foreignkwey
    LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey= ko.tnforeignkwey
    WHERE ko.primarykey='someprimarykeyvalue';

    This select can return only 0 or 1 rows depending if ko row with primary key
    'someprimarykeyvalue' exists or not.


    if there is no searched primary key row in ko database, select should also
    return empty row.

    To get this result I added right join:

    SELECT somecolumns
    FROM ko
    RIGHT JOIN (SELECT 1) _forceonerow ON true
    LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey= ko.t1foreignkwey
    LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey= ko.tnforeignkwey
    WHERE ko.primarykey is null or ko.primarykey='someprimarykeyvalue';

    but it still does not return row if primary key row 'someprimarykeyvalue'
    does not exist.

    How to force this statement to return one row always ?


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Andrus Moor
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