I have the same table as yours with potential to grow over 50 billion of 
records once operational. But our hardware is currently very limited (8GB 

I concur with Tom Lane about the fact that partial indexes aren't really an 
option, but what about partitioning?

I read from the Postgres docs that "The exact point at which a table will 
benefit from partitioning depends on the application, although a rule of 
thumb is that the size of the table should exceed the physical memory of the 
database server." 

Now, a table with 500M records would exceed our RAM, so I wonder what impact 
a table of 50G would have on simple lookup performance (i.e. source = fixed, 
timestamp = range), taking into account that a global index would exceed our 
RAM on some 1G records.

Did anyone do some testing? Is partitioning a viable option in such 

"Adrian von Bidder" <avbid...@fortytwo.ch> wrote in message 

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