On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Allan Kamau <kamaual...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do have a PL/SQL function that gets executed called many times but
> with different parameter values each of these times. For most
> invocations of this function run in a couple of seconds however some
> invocations of the same function run (on the same dataset) for hours
> with very little disk activity but high CPU.
> How can I monitor the actual DB activities during such times so I may
> better understand what the situation truly is. I have seen some users
> on this list posting some complex log/outputs, this are the kind of
> outputs I would like to capture and view. Where are they?
> Allan.

The function I have mentioned above seems to "hang" indefinitely (now
12hours and counting) while it took only 2secs for the many times it
was previously invoked from the client application (with slightly
different parameter value at each such time).

Database Server Software: PostgreSQL 8.3.4
Operating System Server Software: Fedora 12 64bit ""
Above runs on VirtualBox.


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