On 06/10/2010 11:43 PM, Adrian von Bidder wrote:
Just speculation, I've not tried this. Perhaps pipe the output of pg_dump
through a software that bandwidth-limits the throughput? (I don't know if
such a command exists,
pv (pipe view)
Allows you to monitor rate of transfers through a pipe. Also has options
to specify max
transfer rate (-L).
It's handy for quick-n-dirty disk-rate tests - mostly only useful for
bulk read (pv /some/big/file > /dev/null)
Or monitor the progress of your dump: pg_dump <your options> | pv >
May not be installed by default - "apt-get install pv" works for Ubuntu
but for CentOS/RHEL but you may need to get it from rpmforge or use the
source: http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml
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