On 6/8/2010 11:29 AM, Aaron Burnett wrote:
I hope this is the proper list for this, but I am a loss on how to achieve
one particular set of results.
I have a table which is a list of users who entered a contest. They can
enter as many times as they want, but only 5 will count. So some users have
one entry, some have as many as 15.
How could I distill this down further to give me a list that shows each
entry per user up to five entries per user? In other words, I need a
separate line item for each entry from each user up to the maximum of 5 rows
per user.
Table looks like this:
username | firstname | lastname | signedup
ffc4bd0a-ccff-4203-a03c-4bd6b8c23a03 | Jean | Mathews | 2010-03-13
ffc4bd0a-ccff-4203-a03c-4bd6b8c23a03 | Jean | Mathews | 2010-05-07
ffc4bd0a-ccff-4203-a03c-4bd6b8c23a03 | Jean | Mathews | 2010-06-06
ff8720d4-f808-4ee6-90e6-649872fdfa55 | Janis | Bunch | 2010-03-12
ff48d89b-6afe-4ba0-8539-9683bec62c89 | Sandy | Yashnyk | 2010-04-25
ff48d2a4-0637-4e46-9461-3dd0dc0d4d83 | Kendra | Elliott | 2010-05-09
ff3a2a14-2575-44d5-b40b-3780f4d2506a | Kay | Maher | 2010-04-20
fef7625b-d1e1-4c1a-bc82-d35a4a6db16d | Carolyn | Woodul | 2010-04-05
fef21bbb-07a0-4c84-8708-4dc41b8b770b | Laurie | Montijo | 2010-04-03
feee6473-af4d-4e70-b20c-a74ba08c000f | Geneva | Anderson | 2010-04-03
feb690fc-0afb-4e87-b0d1-bdb2c4603fd1 | Judith | Astroff | 2010-06-05
fea0f9a6-e89f-4dbd-b3fd-83efed27221f | Jennifer | Lavigne | 2010-02-09
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-03-20
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-03-27
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-04-03
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-04-10
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-04-17
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-04-25
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-05-01
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-05-08
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-05-16
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-05-22
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-05-30
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-06-06
fe825a6d-6820-4282-b8e9-2e3cb9f660e8 | Susan | Stowe | 2010-03-12
fe825a6d-6820-4282-b8e9-2e3cb9f660e8 | Susan | Stowe | 2010-03-15
But in John Smith's case where he has more than 5 entries, I would like
query results to limit him to just 5 entries to look like this:
username | firstname | lastname | signedup
ffc4bd0a-ccff-4203-a03c-4bd6b8c23a03 | Jean | Mathews | 2010-03-13
ffc4bd0a-ccff-4203-a03c-4bd6b8c23a03 | Jean | Mathews | 2010-05-07
ffc4bd0a-ccff-4203-a03c-4bd6b8c23a03 | Jean | Mathews | 2010-06-06
ff8720d4-f808-4ee6-90e6-649872fdfa55 | Janis | Bunch | 2010-03-12
ff48d89b-6afe-4ba0-8539-9683bec62c89 | Sandy | Yashnyk | 2010-04-25
ff48d2a4-0637-4e46-9461-3dd0dc0d4d83 | Kendra | Elliott | 2010-05-09
ff3a2a14-2575-44d5-b40b-3780f4d2506a | Kay | Maher | 2010-04-20
fef7625b-d1e1-4c1a-bc82-d35a4a6db16d | Carolyn | Woodul | 2010-04-05
fef21bbb-07a0-4c84-8708-4dc41b8b770b | Laurie | Montijo | 2010-04-03
feee6473-af4d-4e70-b20c-a74ba08c000f | Geneva | Anderson | 2010-04-03
feb690fc-0afb-4e87-b0d1-bdb2c4603fd1 | Judith | Astroff | 2010-06-05
fea0f9a6-e89f-4dbd-b3fd-83efed27221f | Jennifer | Lavigne | 2010-02-09
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-03-20
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-03-27
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-04-03
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-04-10
fea0334e-4ae1-4599-b24d-9a5d8ce4fd37 | John | Smith | 2010-04-17
fe825a6d-6820-4282-b8e9-2e3cb9f660e8 | Susan | Stowe | 2010-03-12
fe825a6d-6820-4282-b8e9-2e3cb9f660e8 | Susan | Stowe | 2010-03-15
The username is unique for each user.
pg version 8.25 on RHEL
Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Ok, here we go. Add this function:
RETURNS timestamp without time zone
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
result timestamp;
select signedup into result from users where usename = uid
order by signedup limit 1 offset 4;
if not found then
result = '1900-01-01';
end if;
return result;
I guessed at fieldnames and table names, so you'll have to edit as needed.
Then you can run this:
select * from users where signedup<= fifth(usename) order by usename,
On 6/8/2010 2:08 PM, Aaron Burnett wrote:
> thanks very much Andy. Very elegant.
> I do need to presere the users that have<5 entries though, so I think
I can
> modify your function to do that as well.
> Thanks again.
> On 6/8/10 2:50 PM, "Andy Colson"<a...@squeakycode.net> wrote:
yeah, they should show up. If a username has < 5 rows, the function
returns date '1900-01-01' and the query comes out:
select * from users where signedup <= '1900-01-01' order by usename,
... of course, I didnt test this too much, it just "should" do it :-)
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