Thank you very much, Mike!

We'll have a look at that.

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 00:03, Mike Christensen <> wrote:
> Ok I did more investigation on this and traced the issue down to a
> singe npgsql bug.  Enums actually work fine, as long as you're using
> an IDataReader to get at the data.  Once you attempt to load the
> reader into a DataSet, it blows up.  I'll log this bug..
> Mike
> On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Mike Christensen <> wrote:
>> This is probably not the right forum for this question, but maybe
>> someone can help me out or redirect me.
>> I'm running into a lot of problems with npgsql and enum types.  There
>> seems to be very little support or testing in this area.  The issue
>> right now is I have a lot of SQL functions that have OUT parameters of
>> an enum type.  Such as:
>> CREATE TYPE UnitTypeEnum AS ENUM ('Unit', 'Volume', 'Weight');
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION readformsforingredient(IN _ingredient text,
>> OUT UnitType UnitTypeEnum)
>> ...
>> When I call that function using the npgsql driver, I get all sorts of
>> errors.  The data table simple has no ProviderType (it's blank), even
>> though the DataType is System.String.  If I try to read the data
>> reader, I get exceptions.  The solution I found is to cast the enum to
>> a text, such as:
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION readformsforingredient(IN _ingredient text,
>> OUT UnitType text)
>> ...
>> select UnitType::text from foo;
>> However, this becomes a pain if I'm not using OUT parameters and just
>> returning a set of a row type.  Plus, having to cast ENUMs is kind of
>> a hack.
>> Are the people working on npgsql aware of this problem, and can we
>> expect to get real enum support in future versions?  It seems they
>> should just magically cast to either a string or an int and I
>> shouldn't have to worry about that.  Thanks!!
>> Mike
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Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
Npgsql Lead Developer

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