Great suggestion. Thanks. Don't know why I didn't think of that. I do almost
exactly the same thing further down in my stored procedure.

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Dimitri Fontaine <>wrote:

> Eliot Gable <<>>
> writes:
> > I have a set of results that I am selecting from a set of tables which I
> want to return in a random weighted order for each priority group returned.
> Each row has a
> > priority column and a weight column. I sort by the priority column with 1
> being highest priority. Then, for each distinct priority, I want to do a
> weighted random
> > ordering of all rows that have that same priority. I select the set of
> rows and pass it to a custom-built function that does the ordering. I have
> tested both the
> > prioritize and the random weighted ordering functions and they do exactly
> what I want them to do for ordering the data that I send them.
> >
> > The problem comes from the fact that I tried to make them generalized.
> They take an array of a small complex type which holds just an arbitrary ID,
> the priority,
> > and the weight. The output is the same information but the rows are in
> > the correct order.
> I'd try having the function return just numbers in the right order, then
> use that in the ORDER BY. To have those numbers, you'd still need to
> join with the result of the function, tho.
> Hope this helps you already, I don't have time to go deeper in the
> subject!
> Regards,
> --
> dim

Eliot Gable

"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors: we borrow it from our
children." ~David Brower

"I decided the words were too conservative for me. We're not borrowing from
our children, we're stealing from them--and it's not even considered to be a
crime." ~David Brower

"Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas." (Thou shouldst eat to live; not
live to eat.) ~Marcus Tullius Cicero

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