On 4 Jun 2010, at 15:37, Eliot Gable wrote:

> ...
>   myvariable complex1[];
>   mydatasource complex1;
>   myrowsource complex2[];
> ...
> ...
>   -- The first way I tried to do it:
>   myvariable := array(
>     SELECT mydatasource FROM unnest(myrowsource)
>   );

I don't see what you're trying to do here; apparently myrowsource has a column 
named mydatasource, but how is PG supposed to know which mydatasource you mean 
- the declared one or the one from mydatasource? The same goes for myrowsource.
I'm pretty sure you have a naming conflict.

Or did you intend to write:
        myvariable := array(unnest(myrowsource));

That probably still doesn't work. I have no installation of 8.4 at my disposal 
atm, so I can't verify, but IIRC unnest doesn't return an array, but something 
else. You probably need to cast it to the right type first.

> Each of these gives the same error message:
> CODE: 42804
> MESSAGE: cannot assign non-composite value to a row variable

Alban Hertroys

Screwing up is an excellent way to attach something to the ceiling.


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