On Thursday 03 June 2010 20.03:19 J. Bagg wrote:
> because I tend to skim 
> over the PostgreSQL related ones, assuming they're connected with the 
> ready-built version.

I'm just curious: why are you compiling your own?

If you want to stick with lenny and need 8.4: It's in backports.org (package 
posgtgresql-8.4).  On the other hand, squeeze (what is to become the next 
Debian version any month now) is already quite stable, so you could update 
to squeeze.

If you need some extensions or contrib modules: have you looked through all 
pstgres packages, the postgresql-8.3 (or postgresql) packages only pull in a 
core set, additional stuff is packaged, and to compile you own extensions, 
just install postgresql-server-dev-8.4.

(Of course there are valid reasons to compile your own, but for me as a pg 
user and not developer, I've not met them in a long time...)

-- vbi

Umlaut Zebra über alles!

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