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On 03/06/2010 16:00, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais" <iog...@free.fr> writes:
>> Shouldn't locks only be on tables/indexes that are actually used by the
>> planner ?
> Well, yeah, they are.  The planner must take at least AccessShareLock
> on any relation referenced by the query.  It might later be able to
> prove that the relation needn't be scanned to deliver the query answer,
> but it first has to lock the relation enough to examine its constraints
> before it can prove that.  

Understood, thanks.

> Similarly, indexes get locked for the purpose
> of inspecting them, whether or not they actually get selected for use in
> the plan.

Ok. One question though, as soon as the planer locked the table relation
to check its CHECK contraint then exclude it from its plan (here
test_1), it doesn't need to locks its indexes as well. So I guess the
planer just lock everything first, tables and indexes, THEN, check the
CHECK relations ?

In a partitioned table couldn't it be
 1/ lock the table relation
 2/ check the CHECK constraint
 3.1/ inclusion: lock the indexes
 3.2/ exclusion: do nothing

> AccessShareLock is a weak enough lock that this generally isn't a
> problem; all that it's doing is ensuring that the table's schema
> doesn't change while we're trying to devise a plan.

Yeah, that's my understanding. However, in the final schema I am messing
with, there's 2 level of partitioning resulting to 409 child tables (!),
each of them with 12 indexes.

A simple request on the top table with correct conditions shows a good
plan, but more than 6500+ locks.

I agree the schema himself is definitely not the best though, and I
already talked about that with its owner...

>                       regards, tom lane

- -- 
Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais
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