Thanks to all for the feedback. I keep getting impressed by how flexible PostgreSQL is.
Any ideas which query should perform better? I put together all the suggested approaches below. == Approach 1 == SELECT c.* FROM customer c, (VALUES (1,23), (2,56), (3, 2), (4,12), (5,10)) x(ord,val) WHERE = x.val ORDER BY x.ord; == Approach 2 == SELECT customer.* FROM customer a JOIN (VALUES (1,23),(2,56),(3,2),(4,12),(5,10)) b ON ( = b.column2) ORDER BY b.column1 == Approach 3 == SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id IN (23, 56, 2, 12, 10) ORDER BY POSITION(':' || id || ':' IN ':23:56:2:12:10:'); == Approach 4 == WITH t(a) AS (VALUES (ARRAY[23, 56, 2, 12, 10])), s(i) AS (SELECT generate_subscripts((SELECT a FROM t)::integer[], 1)) SELECT i, a[i] FROM s CROSS JOIN t; On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Stephen Frost <> wrote: > * m. hvostinski ( wrote: > > I have a simple query like: > > > > SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id IN (23, 56, 2, 12, 10) > > > > The problem is that I need to retrieve the rows in the same order as the > set > > of ids provided in the select statement. Can it be done? > > Not very easily. My first thought would be doing something like: > > SELECT > customer.* > FROM > customer a > JOIN (VALUES (1,23),(2,56),(3,2),(4,12),(5,10)) b > ON ( = b.column2) > ORDER BY b.column1 > ; > > Thanks, > > Stephen > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) > > iEYEARECAAYFAkwGQ+gACgkQrzgMPqB3kiitUgCgm2kIPIs2eGwfKZCognLUGTqR > 5aMAnRvc/He+Xj/It3eVYNlGIjcUjx8Q > =OHPl > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > >