On Monday 31 May 2010, Devrim Gündüz <dev...@gunduz.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-05-31 at 21:14 +0530, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
> > if you install some libraries like python clients or some
> > software depending on PgSql from the repositories in RPM/DPKG based
> > OS, you will have a tough time with the dependency stuff.
> Really?

Depends. If you build a compat- RPM to supply the original system-provided 
client libpq.so it will usually satisfy their package requirements. If you 
don't, then you might find yourself needing to rebuild other packages to 
coexist with upgraded PostgreSQL versions. Neither option is terribly 
difficult to accommodate.

"No animals were harmed in the recording of this episode. We tried but that 
damn monkey was just too fast."

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