The 10 and 11 hour interval are being skipped because I'm only interested in
the transitions of state 1. State 1 only transitioned three times at now -
12, now - 9 and now - 8.

The table has both transitions in it because I frequently care about them
both together.  I just don't in this case.

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Justin Graf <> wrote:

>  On 5/27/2010 9:45 AM, Nikolas Everett wrote:
> Sorry.  Here is the setup:
>  INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, now() -
> interval '12 hours');
>   INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 2, now() -
> interval '11 hours');
>   INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, now() -
> interval '10 hours');
>  INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (2, 1, now() -
> interval '9 hours');
>  INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, now() -
> interval '8 hours');
>  I want to write a query that spits out:
>   state1 |         timestamp
> --------+----------------------------
>       1 | now() - interval '12 hours'
>       2 | now() - interval '9 hours'
>       1 | now() - interval '8 hours'
>  Have a question what makes  these values different other than the
> timestamp???
> 1, 1, now() - interval '12 hours'
> *1, 1, now() - interval '10 hours'*
> The reason i ask, is because you show *1, 1, now() - interval '8 hours'*
> in the desired output.   What logic keeps the 8 hour and 12 hour but not the
> 10hour interval???
> Its kinda hard to understand why the 10hour interval is being skipped???
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