Scott, Sorry about the late response. Curiously, what does the SQL spec have to say about autoincrement and defaults and such?
>From > ... Define a column of a base table. <column definition> ::= <column name> [ <data type> | <domain name> ] [ <reference scope check> ] [ <default clause> | <identity column specification> | <generation clause> ] [ <column constraint definition> ... ] [ <collate clause> ] <column constraint definition> ::= [ <constraint name definition> ] <column constraint> [ <constraint characteristics> ] <column constraint> ::= NOT NULL | <unique specification> | <references specification> | <check constraint definition> <reference scope check> ::= REFERENCES ARE [ NOT ] CHECKED [ ON DELETE <reference scope check action> ] <reference scope check action> ::= <referential action> <identity column specification> ::= GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY [ <left paren> <common sequence generator options> <right paren> ] -----Original Message----- From: Scott Marlowe [] Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 3:49 PM To: Little, Douglas Cc: Tom Lane; Subject: Re: [GENERAL] ALTER Bigserial error On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Little, Douglas <> wrote: > Thanks for the response tom, > I agree it's more of an missing feature. > Regarding the concensus for direction. I'd like to see the product move in > the direction of the sql standard. Curiously, what does the SQL spec have to say about autoincrement and defaults and such?