oops, sorry, my question was very ambiguous ...
What I want to know is:
The correct procedure to remove the wal files that have been used in the recovery of a postgres server.

Consider the following;

1.-  A main server in production.
2.- A  secondary server that is normally off.
3.- By connecting the secondary server, the primary server must copy the directory data as well as wal files generated during the copying process.

4.- start up  the postgres on the secondary server.

5o.Delete wal  files no longer will be used by postgres to save disk space.

how can i know which wal file is not required by postgres and delete wal files from main and secondary server, to save space disk on the servers ? (after a succesfully start up on secondary server)

regards eddie.

On 05/21/2010 03:43 PM, Andreas Schmitz wrote:

maybe I don't understand the problem. there is no need to clean WAL files after recovery. where exactly is the problem ?



erobles wrote:

 PITR  recovery

On 05/21/2010 03:04 PM, Andreas Schmitz wrote:
erobles wrote:
which is the right procedure to clean wal files after a  recovery ??
what kind of recovery ?



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