Excerpts from Catalin BOIE's message of vie may 14 02:32:01 -0400 2010:
> Hello!
> I have a serious problem with one of my tables.
> Version: postgresql-server-8.4.3-1.fc12.x86_64
> Kernel: kernel-

Hmm, it's pretty unfortunate that those buffer checks are inside
PageRepairFragmentation, because that means they are being called when
in a critical section, turning harmless ERRORs into PANICs.  I think
those checks could be copied to another routine to be called outside the
critical sections.

The value 32766 is 0x7ffe, which is a pretty suspicious value.  It'd be
good to see a copy of the problem block (though it'll prove difficult to
determine _which_ is the problem block ...)

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