> > The solution is very simple and can be done in the cPanel configuration, 
> > just disabled "Shell Fork Bomb Protection" in the security center. That's 
> > all. The ulimit restrictions are removed!
> Huh, that's interesting.  With a name like that, I'd have thought it
> would set limits on number of processes, not virtual memory size.
> What ulimit settings did it change exactly?

"Shell Fork Bomb Protection"
Fork Bomb Protection will prevent users with terminal access (ssh/telnet) from 
using up all the resources on the server. Unchecked resource allocation can 
potentially lead to a server crash.
It is recommended that this protection be enabled for servers providing 
terminal access.

The only thing I discoverd if enabled is the following entry in /etc/profile 
(if disabled, there is no ulimit set)

#cPanel Added Limit Protections -- BEGIN

#unlimit so we can run the whoami
ulimit -n 4096 -u 14335 -m unlimited -d unlimited -s 8192 -c 1000000 -v 
unlimited 2>/dev/null

if [ -e "/usr/bin/whoami" ]; then
if [ "$LIMITUSER" != "root" ]; then
        ulimit -n 100 -u 20 -m 200000 -d 200000 -s 8192 -c 200000 -v 200000 
        ulimit -n 4096 -u 14335 -m unlimited -d unlimited -s 8192 -c 1000000 -v 
unlimited 2>/dev/null
#cPanel Added Limit Protections -- END

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