On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 10:12 PM, Mike Christensen <m...@kitchenpc.com> wrote:
> I'm considering using a cloud hosting solution for my website.  It
> will probably be either Amazon, Rackspace or Hosting.com.  I'm still
> comparing.  Either way, my site will consist of multiple virtual
> server instances that I can create and destroy as needed.  Each
> virtual machine instance will be self contained, meaning it'll run the
> website and its own instance of postgres.  The website will only talk
> to the local DB instance.  However, if I'm running several machine
> instances, I want all the databases to keep in sync preferably with as
> little lag as possible.
> This is not a master/slave replication issue where there's one big DB
> that's always up and everything syncs to, this is basically total
> peer-to-peer replication where any time data is updated on one server,
> an update command gets sent to all the other servers.  I would also
> have to address the issue when I provision a new virtual server, I'd
> have to import the current data into the DB seamlessly.
> What's the best way to do this?

I think right now you're stuck coding it up yourself.  No small task.

>  Looks like something like pgPool
> might be what I want, but I haven't looked into it deeply yet.
> Thanks!!

The only thing that gets close is bucardo.

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