Use unique index as follows:

create unique index unq_idx on table_name (coalesce(country_id,0),
coalesce(state_id,0), coalesce(city_id,0),coalesce(postal_code_id,0) );

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Jonathan Vanasco <> wrote:

> -- running pg 8.4
> i have a table defining geographic locations
>        id
>        lat
>        long
>        country_id not null
>        state_id
>        city_id
>        postal_code_id
> i was given a unique index on
>        (country_id, state_id, city_id, postal_code_id)
> the unique index isn't working as i'd expect it to.  i was hoping someone
> could explain why:
> in the two records below, only country_id and state_id are assigned  (
> aside from the serial )
> geographic_location_id | coordinates_latitude | coordinates_longitude |
> country_id | state_id | city_id | postal_code_id
> ------------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+------------+----------+---------+----------------
>                    312 |                      |                       |
>    233 |       65 |         |
>                    443 |                      |                       |
>    233 |       65 |         |
> i was under the expectation that the unique constraint would apply in this
> place.
> from the docs:
>        When an index is declared unique, multiple table rows with equal
> indexed values are not allowed. Null values are not considered equal. A
> multicolumn unique index will only reject cases where all indexed columns
> are equal in multiple rows.
> --
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