On 5/3/2010 12:59 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Andy Colson<a...@squeakycode.net> writes:
$make check
... snip lots of output...
./pg_regress --inputdir=. --dlpath=. --multibyte=SQL_ASCII
--temp-install=./tmp_check --top-builddir=../../..
============== removing existing temp installation ==============
============== creating temporary installation ==============
============== initializing database system ==============
============== starting postmaster ==============
pg_regress: postmaster did not respond within 60 seconds
Hmm, apparently some sort of communication problem, since the postmaster
seems to think everything's fine. Maybe a firewall blocking packets
to the port that got selected? Another possibility is that you have
PGPORT or related variables set in your shell environment, and that's
leading libpq to try to connect to the wrong place. (I thought we had
pg_regress try to clear those, but maybe it doesn't.) What platform
is this anyway?
regards, tom lane
Its an internal only box (no outside connections), so no iptables.
Box is running Slackware 64:
# uname -a
Linux mapper #1 SMP Fri Jan 29 21:04:54 CST 2010 x86_64 AMD
Athlon(tm) II X2 245 Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
I dont have PGPORT env set, or any env starting with PG* (not sure what
other env var's to check for).
I do have a .pgpass in ~, but no entries for this box, only to remote box.
no other .pg* files.
I did notice when I tried to backup my 8.4 db using the 9.0 pg_dump I
got errors:
$ ~/gis/postgresql-9.0beta1/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump -Fc -f gis.bak gis
/home/andy/gis/postgresql-9.0beta1/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump: symbol
lookup error:
/home/andy/gis/postgresql-9.0beta1/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump: undefined
symbol: PQconnectdbParams
Was not sure if that was a problem (maybe 'make check' was finding 8.4
.so's or something...).
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