2010/4/30 Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>:
> Vincenzo Romano wrote:
>> In this specific case, if you think about "inheritance for
>> partitioning" and you stick with the example idea of "one partition
>> per month", then the current solution is more than OK.
>> In the real world, that is not really the general case, especially in
>> the "enterprise grade" world, where maybe you partition with both a
>> time stamp and another column, like product code ranges and prefixes
>> ...
>> Is there any planning about this improvement?
> Of course.  People is always looking to make improvements in many areas.
> There are very few things that people consider to be "more than OK".
> The partitioning features are among those being more examined for
> possibly improvements.
> This does *not* mean that PostgreSQL doesn't serve mission critical
> systems already, on enterprises large and small, some of them on very
> large systems.  What you see in these lists (people describing
> "partition by month" schemes) are not necessarily the most complex
> setups out there.

I've nerver meant to say that PG is not mission critical!
I argued that O(n) stuff will keep it away from "enterprise grade" applications.
I've been told earlier that "It is fine for dozens of child tables,
but not thousands;
it does need improvement."

This is not enterprise grade.
And the same could go for (a large number of) partial indexes.
Any idea here?

Infact I have in mind also a different approach to partitioning which
could be useful (under certain constraints, of course).
Instead of partitioning the table itself, you can partition the indexes.
The data can still be in a single table (for the sake of some FKs for example).
Just the indexes get "partitioned"·
But, of course, a lot depends on whether the selection of the right indexes
(among thousands) is effective or not.

> --
> Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
> PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Vincenzo Romano
NotOrAnd Information Technologies
cel. +39 339 8083886  | gtalk. vincenzo.rom...@notorand.it
fix. +39 0823 454163  | skype. notorand.it
fax. +39 02 700506964 | msn.   notorand.it

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