Here is my query, which works:
select organization,
(select max(idate) from times where customers.custid=times.custid and
taskid = 27) as lastdate,
age( (select max(idate) from times where
customers.custid=times.custid and taskid = 27) )
from customers
order by lastdate desc nulls last;
I'd love to use age(lastdate) instead of age( (repeat sql) ), but it
does not seem to work.
I tried this:
select organization, state, max(idate), age(max(idate))
from customers
inner join times using(custid)
where taskid = 27
group by organization, state
order by idate desc nulls last;
but get error that times.idate must appear in group by or used in agg
func... except it is used in an agg func.
Any hints on what I'm missing?
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