On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:51 PM, David Wall <d.w...@computer.org> wrote:
> I missed the part that BYTEA was being used since it's generally not a good
> way for starting large binary data because you are right that BYTEA requires
> escaping across the wire (client to backend) both directions, which for true
> binary data (like compressed/encrypted data, images or other non-text files)
> makes for a lot of expansion in size and related memory.

what?? postgresql supports binary data in both directions without
escaping.  here is how i do it with libpqtypes:

PGbytea b;
b.data = some_pointer;
b.len = data_length;

res = PGexecf(conn, "insert into table values (%bytea*);", b);


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