To be perfectly honest, I don't believe it either, but here it is:
JohnGage:~ johngage$ echo $PATH
JohnGage:~ johngage$ createlang -l
-bash: createlang: command not found
JohnGage:~ johngage$ which createlang
JohnGage:~ johngage$ locate createlang
JohnGage:~ johngage$ cd /Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin
JohnGage:bin johngage$ createlang -l
-bash: createlang: command not found
JohnGage:bin johngage$ ./createlang -l
createlang: could not connect to database johngage: FATAL: database
"johngage" does not exist
JohnGage:bin johngage$ sudo su postgres
bash-3.2$ ./createlang -l
Procedural Languages
Name | Trusted?
On Apr 27, 2010, at 1:47 AM, Scott Mead wrote:
On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 3:36 AM, Jorge Arevalo <
> wrote:
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 11:08 AM, John Gage <>
> If I open a bash terminal and type createlang -l, I get:
> JohnGage:~ johngage$ createlang -l
> -bash: createlang: command not found
> JohnGage:~ johngage$ psql
> -bash: psql: command not found
> as one can see, the same thing happens with psql.
> The way I have been using psql is by pulling down the plugins menu
> pgAdmin3 and selecting (the only selection) psql.
> My $PATH variable includes the path to both createlang and psql.
Not to say I am a 'dis-believer' or anything... but... can we see
'echo $PATH' ... ?