On Apr 24, 2010, at 8:40 AM, John Gage wrote:

> I know this is perhaps an inappropriate question (and to some extent I am 
> repeating myself), but I now need to get my website up and running.
> Would anyone be willing to suggest an ISP that offers virtual machines 
> running postgres and perl 5.8.8 or above with perl dbi?  The ideal candidate 
> would offer something reasonably priced with some level of support.

If an ISP is offering virtual private servers (where you get full access to 
your own virtual machine) then installing postgresql and perl on them will be 
trivial (just one command on popular linux distributions). So if you're wanting 
to run the database in your VM then most anyone offering VPS hosting will have 
what you need. You're unlikely to get perl or postgresql specific support - but 
your ISP isn't where you'd usually look for that.

If you want somewhere that offers both virtual machines and managed postgresql 
hosting that's tougher, but 
http://www.postgresql.org/support/professional_hosting is probably a good place 
to start.


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