2010/4/23 Merlin Moncure <mmonc...@gmail.com>:
> You haven't given enough information to make any sort of reasonable
> diagnosis.  Most people are going to assume the problem is on your end
> but it's possible to know for sure without having the trigger function
> at the very least.

Thanks merlin for the reply. There are two functions,

1. for inserts on stock transaction table, calculating value and
inserting in transaction_value table.

2. the other is on transaction_value table itself, to update values of
child transactions of row being inserted/updated/deleted.

The second function is more than 200 lines.  I have attached a text
file containing trigger and function code.

Thanks for any insights you can provide.

Best regards,

Ma Sivakumar

மா சிவகுமார்
எல்லோரும் எல்லாமும் பெற வேண்டும்

> merlin

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