Đỗ Ngọc Trí Cường wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've a problem but I search all the help file and can't find the solution.
> I want to track all action of a specify role on all or one schema in
> database.
> Can you help me?

You can use statement-level logging, though there are no facilities in
statement-level logging to restrict what is logged to only one role's

You can use the usual audit triggers on database tables, which is what I
would recommend. Audit triggers in PostgreSQL cannot track reads
(SELECTs), only INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE and in 8.4 also TRUNCATE. They
cannot track ALTER/RENAME/DROP table, changes to sequences, etc. It is
trivial to write an audit trigger that only records anything when a user
is a member of a particular role.

Craig Ringer

Tech-related writing: http://soapyfrogs.blogspot.com/

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