Vick Khera <> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Andreas Kretschmer
> <> wrote:
> > is it possible to partitionate a lookup-table? What i mean is:
> >
> > test=# create table foo(i int primary key);
> > NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "foo_pkey" 
> > for table "foo"
> > test=*# create table bla ( i int references foo);
> You can have FK references from a partitioned table, but not to the
> table.  That is, you cannot have this FK reference since you are
> partitioning foo.  You can mimic the FK tests by writing your own
> triggers that have knowledge of how you split the table, but they will
> not be as efficient as a built-in FK test.

Thx for the answer, and yes, this is what i had in mind.

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