2010/4/16 Peter Bex <peter....@xs4all.nl>

> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:59:38AM +0200, Szymon Guz wrote:
> > File pages are not fully filled from the start as that could result in
> bad
> > performance of queries later.
> The manual page you linked to says something else:
> "The fillfactor for a table is a percentage between 10 and 100.
>  100 (complete packing) is the default."
> However, the index has a default fill factor of 90, so I guess
> I can tweak that to 100 to shave off another few percent.
> (there will be no updates nor extra inserts on these tables)
> Thanks for the tip!  I hope there are more ways to tweak it, though
> because this doesn't save that much.
I thought that the default fillfactor was much smaller (and haven't checked
that now)...  sorry for messing that up.
But let's think of it from the other side: what do you want to do with that
data? Maybe PostgreSQL with it's MVCC's overhead isn't the best solution for
your needs.

Szymon Guz

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