Thank you for the valuable reply. 

If i go for the path store rather than the bytea. The disk sever [where files 
are stored] must be live always? 

Is it possible to keep the DB and the files on the same server for avoiding the 
n/w failure. Is it good to have NFS on red hat linux enterprise edition[5.x]. 

And if it is bytea - the backup operation is only once, it is not needed to 
take the files along with DB backup.

Thank you very much for the suggestions. 

Vikram A

From: Craig Ringer <>
To: Vikram A <>
Sent: Mon, 12 April, 2010 3:20:08 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] File Handling in pgsql

On 12/04/10 17:17, Vikram A wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to store the files(.doc, .xls , images, vedios) in the
> postgresql data base as a field.

If you really want to store them in the database your options are a bytea field 
(warning: size limits) or a large object. See the manual.

Do you really need ACID-compliant access to your files? Have you considered 
storing just the paths to the files in the database, and the files themselves 
externally to the database in the file system? This is MUCH more efficient if 
you don't need the facilities the database requires.

There has been lots of discussion of this in the past on this list, so consider 
searching the mailing list archives and Google.

Craig Ringer

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