Can someone provide a link to the Postgres 8.x documentation that provides 
information about Null vs. Empty String?
Here is the situation:
Currently,  the source code performs the following SQL statement :
UPDATE user_group set subversion_flags='' WHERE user_id='5818' AND 
(This SQL statement worked in a very old version of Postgres)
and pgsql 8.3.8 returned ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: ""
The table
 \d user_group
                                     Table "public.user_group"
      Column      |     Type      |                            Modifiers
 user_group_id    | integer       | not null default nextval(('user_group_pk_se 
 user_id          | integer       | not null default 0
 group_id         | integer       | not null default 0
 subversion_flags | integer       | not null default 0

I know probably the best way is to the put check in the application level 
(making sure that subversion_flags has a value) before the actual update SQL 
call; however, I really just want to port the code to work with Postgres 8.3.8 
avoiding any code changes if that's possible.   Is there something that I can 
do at the database level (like alter the table) so that I can still use the 
same SQL statement in the application level listed above and it wouldn't return 
an error? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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