Hi All, I am facing the error "cache lookup failed for relation X" in Postgres-8.4.2 version. As you all know, its a reproducable and below is the example.
This can be generated with two sessions; Am opening two sessions here Session A and Session B Session A ========= step 1 - creating the table postgres=# create table cache(id integer); step 2 - Create the trigger and the function on particular table postgres=# CREATE FUNCTION cachefunc() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; postgres=# CREATE TRIGGER cachetrig BEFORE INSERT ON cache FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE cachefunc(); Step 3 - Inserting a row in a table postgres=# insert into cache values (1); Step 4 - Droping the table in BEGIN block and issuing the same drop in another session B postgres=# begin; postgres=# drop table cache; step 5 - Open the second session B and issue the same command postgres=# drop table cache; --- In session B, this will wait untill commit is issued by the Session A. step 6 - Issue the commit in Session A postgres=# commit; Step -7 now we can the see the error in the session B ERROR: cache lookup failed for relation X Could plese tell me, why this is generated and what is the cause. Thanks in advance Regards Raghavendra