I lied.  The Unix id command produces:

JohnGage:~ johngage$ id postgres
uid=502(postgres) gid=1(daemon) groups=1(daemon)

The one-click installer should be very clear about all this.

I think we are very close to Steve Jobs "Chain of Pain" here.

And, once again, I am absolutely dedicated to Postgres.


On Apr 2, 2010, at 8:29 AM, John R Pierce wrote:

John Gage wrote:
The 8.4.2 documentation says:

"The default user name is your Unix user name, as is the default database name."

when you as a user connect to the database server the commands like psql, pg_dump, etc all use your unix username as the default for the database username, and your username as teh default for the database name, unless you specify a different user and/or database on hte command line.

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