On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 04:37:23PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> There is not, but you could always look at the source for array_out and
> array_in if you want definitive answers ;-).  Personally what I'd do is
> always double-quote each non-null array element; then the rules reduce
> to "backslash any backslashes or double quotes".

That's what I'm doing right now.

> If you're working in a sane client encoding (not SJIS for instance)
> this is pretty trivial.

That's a relief :)
OTOH, for a generic library, it's not a good idea to make such assumptions..

> The problem with that is that the necessarily-arbitrary API would
> probably add as much or more complexity as would be saved.  If C had
> a simple and universally-followed convention for variable-size arrays,
> it'd be easier to provide useful helpers ...

What I was proposing is a simple escaper for string values, nothing
more.  Putting array decoration around those is trivial, encoding the
strings is the tricky part.

However, this got me thinking: It could use the same system as
environment and argv values in C, or the new connection procedures of
libpq; a null-terminated list of string pointers.

But then the question is how to encode nested arrays.  I guess it's
feasible to pass the array depth as an extra argument to the escaping
procedure, since we know arrays cannot have variable depths between
elements.  This could really work and wouldn't need to be overly complex.

It wouldn't save a lot of complexity, but it would save some wheel
reinvention in a case where there's room for error, just like PQescape*.
You could argue that PQescape* don't save a lot of complexity either,
yet those are considered a good idea.  I don't see how this is any

> > I briefly considered "abusing" the PQescapeIdentifier procedure for
> > escaping since the syntax for literals inside arrays seems to be exactly
> > like that of SQL identifiers, but I'm not 100% sure about that and I
> > also think the PQescapeIdentifier procedure shouldn't be overloaded for
> > this purpose.
> Well, that wouldn't work anyway, since backslashes aren't special in
> identifiers.

Good thing I didn't abuse it, then :)

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