paulo matadr wrote:
>>> When I try to import big file base.txt( 700MB),I get this:
>>> xxxxx=# create table arquivo_serasa_marco( varchar(3000));
>>> xxxxx=# COPY arquivo_serasa_marco from 
>>> ERROR:  literal newline found in data
>>> HINT:  Use "\n" to represent newline.
>>> CONTEXT:  COPY arquivo_serasa_marco, line 2: ""
>>> How can find solution for this?
>> The file does not seem to be in valid COPY format.
>> What is the format of the file? 
> Now attached.
> Txt file,
> I belive that  file not put \n on the end of line,this is possible?
> follow example in attach.

Works here:

test=# CREATE TABLE arquivo_serasa_marco(val varchar(3000));
test=# COPY arquivo_serasa_marco FROM '/home/advpg/example.TXT';

This is PostgreSQL 8.4.2.

Laurenz Albe

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