You are right, my negligence.

I'm trying to optimize the latter query:
# SELECT id, (kvp->'a') FROM mytable WHERE kvp ? 'a';

...or something like this (which also involves the '->' operator)
# SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE (kvp->'a') = 'x';


2010/3/29 Sergey Konoplev <>:
>> My question is, if one can get also index support for the '->' operator?
> I am not sure what do you mean.
>>>>  SELECT id, (kvp->'a') FROM mytable;
>>>> ... can be accelerated nevertheless by adding following where clause:
>>>>  SELECT id, (kvp->'a') FROM mytable WHERE kvp ? 'a';
>>>> => Is this correct?
> These queries could return completely different result sets. First
> query returns all the records with the value of kvp->'a' if kvp has
> 'a' key and NULL otherwise. Second one returns only those records
> where kvp has 'a' key.
> --
> Sergey Konoplev
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