On 3/30/2010 8:55 AM, moataz Elmasry wrote:
Hi List
This question has already been asked many times, but I didn't find the
answer I'm looking for, so here goes
I use postgresql 8.3 on suse 11.2
I already installed postgresql many times wit postgis support on
debian/ubuntu machines. Never had problems, now I'm installing it for
the first time on suse linux. After installing, I changed the following
in postgresql.conf for a production environment
And then I restarted postgresql and switched to postgres user, and then:
"createuser gisuser"
After typing password the console gives the error message "createuser:
could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication
failed for user "postgres"
So I change the user postgres password using the command passwd as root
and I give in the same password and I repeat the createuser command (or
createdb whatever), only to get the same error message
Can someone see what the problem might be?
Best regards
It could be the pg_hba file. Default has local set to trust... maybe
suse changed to it md5 or something... ya know.. to be "secure" :-)
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