Hi All, When we start the postgres server, the writer process, wal process, postmaster, autovacuum ( if autovacuum is on), stats collector will come into picture as mandotory process. My question is, is there any processes apart from these process, what are the mandotory process come along with the postgres server and how many sleeping processes are there.
Few important question about Postgres Architecture ====================================== 1. When does temp_buffer comes into existence in a database session ( like when shared_buffer completely filled or any wal_buffer filled) ? 2. What is process array in shared memory? 3. maintenance_work_mem is used for vacuuming(does this memory allocated if autovacuum is off)? 4. As oracle, Postgres doesnt have any undo_tablespace, for rollback transaction. But it is handled in BEGIN /END block. So question is where the transaction data is stored. Thanks in Advance Regards Raghavendra