On 03/24/2010 01:14 PM, Dean Rasheed wrote:
On 24 March 2010 05:17, Nilesh Govindarajan<li...@itech7.com> wrote:
On 03/24/2010 12:45 AM, Dean Rasheed wrote:
On 23 March 2010 11:07, Nilesh Govindarajan<li...@itech7.com> wrote:
I want to find out the userid, nodecount and comment count of the userid.
I'm going wrong somewhere.
Check my SQL Code-
select u.uid, count(n.nid) nc , count(c.cid) cc from users u left join
n on ( n.uid = u.uid ) left join comments c on ( c.uid = u.uid ) group by
u.uid having u.uid<> 0 order by u.uid;
I think you want select u.uid, count(distinct n.nid) nc ,
count(distinct c.cid) cc from ...
otherwise you're counting each node/comment multiple times as the rows in
join multiply up (note 85 x 174 = 14790).
For big tables, this could start to become inefficient, and you might
be better off
doing your queries 1 and 2 above as sub-queries and joining them in an
outer query.
Thanks a lot !! It worked.
How to do it using subqueries ?
Well the problem with the original joined query is that when it is
executed there will be an intermediate step where it has to consider
many thousands of rows (one for each combination of a node and comment
for each user). You can see the number of rows processed from your
original query by adding up the counts (about 17000). This problem
would be compounded if you added more table joins and counts to the
One way to re-write it using sub-queries would be something like
select v1.uid, v1.nc, v2.cc from
(select u.uid, count(n.nid) nc from users u left join node n on (
n.uid = u.uid ) group by u.uid) as v1,
(select u.uid, count(c.nid) cc from users u left join comments c on (
c.uid = u.uid ) group by u.uid) as v2
where v1.uid=v2.uid
order by u.uid
This is the equivalent of defining a couple of views for the counts
and then selecting from those views.
Another possibility would be something like
(select count(n.nid) from node n where n.uid = u.uid) as nc,
(select count(c.nid) from comments c where c.uid = u.uid) as cc
from users u order by u.uid
There are probably other ways too. Which is best probably depends on
the size and distribution of your data, and any indexes you have. You
might benefit from indexes on the uid columns of node and comments, if
you don't already have them. Try timing them in psql with \timing, and
use EXPLAIN ANALYSE to see how each is executed.
The second method is the best. It takes 3.311 ms to execute. The first
method suggested by you takes 5.7 ms, and the worst is my method which
takes 60ms (boo).
Thanks a lot :) :) :)
Nilesh Govindarajan
Site & Server Administrator
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