"Albe Laurenz" <laurenz.a...@wien.gv.at> writes:
> It seems that Tsung currently only supports "basic queries", but I
> assume that this can be improved. 

In fact from the time when PostgreSQL support was added, some more
Erlang drivers have appeared and some of them covers the entire
protocol. So it should be possible to update Tsung to use them, given
some interest.

> One thing that Tsung, recording
> queries as proxy, will never be able to handle are encrypted connections,
> but I guess that's a minor problem.

Yes, because you typically run the proxy only to record sessions, in
order to prepare the tsung setup. Another way to go from logs is to use
pgfouine, which knows how to prepare a tsung config from PostgreSQL


> On the usability side, Tsung will require that all clients are redirected
> to the recording proxy, while pgreplay will only require that the logging
> configuration settings on the server are changed. This can be an advantage
> in large distributed production environments.

Well never use the tsung recorder in production. Ever. Run it to
construct your sessions files from your application.


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