Tom Lane wrote:

> If my guesses are correct, then the minimum change to avoid this type
> of problem in the future is to change UTCTimestamp to be declared as
> timestamp WITHOUT time zone, so that you don't get two extra zone
> rotations in there.  However, I would strongly suggest that you rethink
> how you're storing the data altogether.  Two columns that represent the
> identical item of information is not good database design according to
> any theory I've ever heard.  What I'd store is a single fire_date column
> that is of type timestamp with time zone and is just assigned directly
> from current_timestamp without any funny business.  Internally it is UTC
> and completely unambiguous.  Subsequently you can read it out in any
> time zone you want, either by setting TimeZone appropriately or by using
> the AT TIME ZONE construct to do a one-time conversion.

And possibly store the original timezone as a separate column, if that
information is of any value.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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