Le 16/03/2010 15:37, Tom Lane a écrit :
Arnaud Lesauvage<arnaud.lis...@codata.eu>  writes:
 First query :
 "Merge Join  (cost=699826.38..704333.80 rows=13548 width=836)"
 "  Merge Cond: (((c.rue)::text = (r.rue)::text) AND ((c.codesite)::text
 = (r.codesite)::text))"

 Second query :
 "Seq Scan on cellules c  (cost=0.00..5018080.39 rows=552343 width=823)"

Please notice that the planner thinks the second plan is much more
expensive than the first.  I think you will find that it's right.
Using an index is not always the best way to do a query.

Yes indeed, I should have read the output of explain more thoroughly I guess ! I am still a bit intrigued by the different query plans. Both query look very similar to me, so why does the planner make so different choices ?


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