compilation needs a non root user (initdb complains about root during tests 

regards, Angel



We are trying to deploy an OpenBravo installation on OpenSuSE 11.2 X64 and are 
using Postgresql 8.4.2-1.1.1 as the data backend, but OpenSuSE rpm seems to 
lack uuid-ossp bindings, so we tried to regenerate from src rpm.

After getting the libuuid ossp sources, we used the --with-uuid-ossp switch on 
a X86 laptop as a test before the final compilation on X64 and tried to 
rebuilt the package several times but we are hitting a regresion error 
(build.log attached).

Anyone can provide usefull hints about this issue? We need to check this out 
before trying to contact opensuse packagers...


PS: package used is :


Most people know C is not so high level....
                ...Everybody else just got assembler overdose

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