The server of my client/server program is currently using SQLite, an embedded file based SQL engine. I am looking for a client/server based RDBM and have narrowed it down to either PosgreSQL or Firebird. I would prefer to use PosgreSQL, but the management of the physical files are concerning me.
A very key element of the program I am developing is the ability for the user to pickup one folder that contains all the data for that "document" and copy it somewhere else, then allow the program to read it from that other location. It is equally important that when the database server initially start, if one of the "tablespaces" was deleted by the user, the database be none the wiser. This is, of course, not a problem with Firebird since it is file based. What I could do is simply disconnect from the tablespace each and every time the server program shutdown and reconnect to that tablespace each time the server starts up, pointing to a new tablespace if need be. So how would one: 1: "disconnect" from a tablespace, in such a way that the tablespace, nor it's contents is changed. 2: "connect" to an existing tablespace. Sam