
After going several months without such incidents, we now got bit by the same 
problem again. We have since upgraded the hardware we ran the database cluster 
on and currently use version 8.3.7. The general outline of the problem hasn't 
changed much though - we still don't use the database 'postgres' except for one 
lone pgagent-job which has only been configured a couple of weeks back and we 
do a nightly vacuum over all databases in addition the the running of the 
autovacuum daemon. As I expect that this might hit again in a couple of months: 
Any suggestions on what sort of forensic data might be required to actually 
find out the root of what's causing it? As I needed to get the cluster back up 
and running again, I used the same remedy as last time and simply dropped the 
database and recreated it from template1, so there's not much left to be looked 
into right now, but if I knew what kind of data to retain I mit be able to come 
up with some more useful info next time...

Kind regards


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Markus Wollny 
> Gesendet: Freitag, 21. März 2008 23:34
> An: 'Tom Lane'
> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Betreff: AW: [GENERAL] Transaction wraparound problem with 
> database postgres
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > "Markus Wollny" <markus.wol...@computec.de> writes:
> >> I'd still like to find out what exactly happened here so I can 
> >> prevent the same from happening again in the future.
> > 
> > Me too.  It would seem that something did a vacuum of 
> postgres with a 
> > strange choice of xid cutoff, but I can't think of what would cause 
> > that.
> > 
> > Do you ever do VACUUM FREEZE on your databases?
> No, I actually never heard of VACUUM FREEZE, I have to admit.

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